© Foto: Thomas Sattler | Radfahren auf der Etappe 03 der Trans Nationalpark Radtour.
Ein Paar macht bei der Etappe 03 der Trans Nationalpark Radtour eine Pause und genießt die traumhafte Aussicht.

E-Bike - Electric bicycle on holiday

E-Bike is the magic word, which provides the opportunity for wheel-riding for those who would like to ride on wheels, but for various reasons have not been able to do so.

Due to the perfect combination of e-bikes, well-developed routes, rental and battery charging stations as well as refreshments, this new bike trend is now opening a new division for a new target group.

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With the help of the motor support, slopes can be reached easily and you can explore the scenic beauties, like the Gleinkersee, Wurbauerkogel, the Hengstpassalmen, the Schiederweiher or many other destinations carefree with an e-bike.

The well-coordinated network thus strengthens the recreational value in nature and also signs for a CO2-free mobility.

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E-bike routes

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