
Rosenau am Hengstpaß

Windischgarsten, Oberösterreich, Österreich

The beautiful scenery of the Hengstpass connects the National Park-Village of Rosenau am Hengstpass with the Styrian Enns valley. The Kalkalpen National Park is a true paradise for nature lovers and the largest forest region of Central Europe.

A colourful mosaic of natural forests, mountain peaks offering stunning views, hidden gorges and untouched streams. If you want to get away from the noise of everyday life, then this is the perfect place to go.

For mountain freaks and leisure bikers

While mountain freaks have plenty of challenges in the climbing walls of the Kampermauern among others, alpine leisure hikers can enjoy themselves mainly along the CircularHikingTrail „On Alpine Meadows” at the Hengstpass. Numerous managed alpine pastures and huts around the Hengstpass spoil their visitors with home made delicacies like cider, bacon, breads and much more. During winter time they also offer extensive snow shoe hikes through untouched snow landscapes starting at Rosenau am Hengstpass. For leisure bikers there is the mountain bike trail “Langfirst” from Haslersgatter to the Hengstpass pastures.

Biathlon & Cross Country Arena

The Biathlon & Cross Country Arena presents itself as sports friendly arena all year round. During the winter months there are over 20 km of prepared cross country trails while skaters enjoy a 3 km trail during summer. Tobogganing Fun filled hours are guaranteed during winter time with the tobogganing track leading from the Zottensberg mountain inn in Edlbach over 1.3km to the Mauererwirt inn in Rosenau am Hengstpass. The track can also be used at night time. Biathlon beginners can try here in the trial biathlon.

History of the municipality of Rosenau am Hengstpass

  • 650Inhabitants

  • 108.28 km²Area

  • 700 m ASLElevation

  • 47.71, 14.40GPS coordinates

A1 West autobahn - Sattledt/Voralpenkreuz exit - A9 Pyhrn autobahn - Inzersdorf exit - B138 federal road - Micheldorf - Klaus an der Pyhrnbahn - Windischgarsten
Pyhrnbahn Train from Linz/Graz or

Linz - Kleinreifling (Steyrtalbahn Train) - There's a public bus service running between Steyr and Rosenau
Linz/Hörsching Airport

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers


Rosenau am Hengstpaß
Tourismusbüro Windischgarsten
Bahnhofstraße 2
4580 Windischgarsten

Phone +43 7562 5266
Fax machine +43 7562 5266 - 10

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