© Fisherman | Photo: Fürstlich Schaumburg Lippischen Forest Management
Fisherman in his boat with a fishing rod and fish in hand.


Increasing popularity enjoys fishing in the holiday region Pyhrn-Priel. And the offer is also amazingly diverse. Anyone who has committed to this topic is in good hands with the regional specialists.

The scenic beauty with picturesque lakes and wildly romantic streams and rivers make a fishing trip to these waters an angling experience for the angler. Impressions alongside a true picture book landscape are the excellent water quality and the largely traffic-free location.

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The waters of the holiday region Pyhrn-Priel are assigned to the trout region, the Steyr below the Klauser reservoir is to be described as the upper grayling region. Lead fish in the running waters and in Klauser See is the brown trout; Occasionally one meets rainbow trout and brook trout. Often grayling and Koppen are present, in Lake Klauser also the lake trout and the Arctic char, which was successfully naturalized here. In some waters there is also the opportunity to fish for carp, pike and reindeer. By the way, in the artificial lake also the Edelkrebs finds optimal living conditions, for which there is a project supported since 1999 by the state government and the Landesfischereiverband.

Fishing licenses in Upper Austria require a valid fishing card (photo ID). Official fishing permits from other states or states are recognized. Every angler must be in possession of a license book, which will be reissued for each calendar year. The license book is available at all license issuing offices.

The fisheries in Upper Austria are to be exercised in accordance with the state law, changes and / or restrictions are reserved for the owners of the individual waters. Comprehensive information about the fishery in Upper Austria, legal regulations, fishing waters, up-to-date information etc. can be obtained from the office of Upper Austria. State Fisheries Association.

Upper Austrian. Landesfischereiverband

Stelzhamerstrasse 2
4020 Linz
Tel .: +43 (0) 732 650507
Fax: +43 (0) 732 650507-20
E-Mail: fischerei@lfvooe.at

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Fishing and fishing opportunities

Pluses beside a true picture book landscape are the excellent water quality and the largely traffic-free location.

The scenic beauty with its picturesque lakes and wildly romantic streams and rivers make a fishing trip to these waters an angler's favorite

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