The Tourist Club Section Windischgarsten is one of 196 sections of the Austrian. Alpine Association, has approximately 1,400 members and is run by volunteers.
The most important tasks as an alpine association are the promotion and pursuit of mountain sports such as hiking, mountaineering, climbing, ski touring and many trend sports in the mountains.
With the main association in Innsbruck, our section also sees itself as the "lawyer of the Alps"
for the preservation of the originality and beauty of our alpine environment.
The club's own Zellerhütte in Vorderstoder, the AV house with climbing tower and bouldering facility in Windischgarsten and approx. 100 km of alpine trails in the Warscheneck, Sengsen Mountains and Hallermauern range are in the section's support area. With this infrastructure, the section provides an important service to society and is therefore one of the main pillars for the region and Upper Austrian tourism.
The office is open only intermittently.
605 m
Accessibility / arrivalFreeway exit Rossleithen. After the warehouse, turn off in the direction of Windischgarsten Nord and drive along the road over the railroad tracks for approx. 0.5 km. After the Billa supermarket turn left until you reach the Bezirksaltersheim here you turn left again and follow the road for about 300 meters. Then you will find the house of the Alpenverein on the right.
Please get in touch for more information.