The World Cup Presenter are fixed - not quite!

At the 37th International Lederhosen Meeting, the ladies and gentlemen present at Windischgarsten at the end of July will be available as World Cup Presenters on the race weekend to represent the region and, above all, the TOP athletes on their official dates for start number draws and award ceremonies be accompanied.

There will be six presenters in February, who will perform this exciting task when the Alpine Ski World Cup in Hinterstoder makes a guest appearance. Magdalena Rieser from Windischgarsten was also introduced to the audience, as were Judith Lengauer from Neumarkt and Melanie Gsöllhofer from Steinbach. After their application, Lucas Capellari and Philipp Hillbrand from Liezen were also pleased to announce that they would join the World Cup Presenter team.

The following photo gallery can be navigated with the arrow keys (left, right).

Right ! There is still a place free to be occupied by a master. This last place will be really hot in a final round.

So if you want to say something about yourself, to be in personal contact with the stars of the Alpine Skiing World Cup of the men and to be supportive in their work, please send us your application by 30th of September at .