Dorf 1, 4574 Vorderstoder
Phone+43 664 9175460
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every Friday from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. | Adults € 8, children 6-14 years € 4, children up to 6 years free | Free with the Pyhrn-Priel Card | Registration online at | Information: Hofkäserei Frech, T +43 664 917 54 60
In 1 - 1.5 hours you get an insight into our organic farm. We visit the farm and the cheese dairy. The way from milk to cheese is experienced up close. At the end you are welcome to taste our delicious organic sheep's milk products.
Register & Book directly here! (only online registration possible!)
Please note, if the tour is fully booked, no further participants can be accepted!
Dorf 1, 4574 Vorderstoder
Phone+43 664 9175460
Adults € 10 | Children 6-14 years € 5 | Children up to 6 years free | free with the Pyhrn-Priel Card
Register & Book directly here! (online registration only!)
Please note, if the tour is fully booked, no additional participants can be accepted!
Please get in touch for more information.
Dorf 1, 4574 Vorderstoder
Phone+43 664 9175460
book a ticket book a ticket