Vorderstoder has 781 primary residences and second homes 441, and 355 houses on an area of 37.4 km ². Tourist Vorderstoder offers 425 guest beds and 45,000 overnight stays!
The small mountain village Vorderstoder at an altitude of 808 m is the highest town in Upper Austria south of the Danube and developed at the transition from the pool Windischgarstner Steyrtal. The altitude allowed only a modest agricultural income and thus a sparse population. The area of the township of 3711 acres is two-thirds of forest and rocky area and ranges in the south to Warscheneck. The population, which in 1869 was just under 1,000, is due to the particularly after the 2nd World War rapidly decreasing number of agricultural workers by 1980 dropped to 690, but now risen to 760, thanks to a steady construction activity. Data of the community Vorderstoder: 810 m above sea level 761 inhabitants 37.1 km ² area community810 m
Accessibility / arrivalThe Vorderstoder municipal office is located near the church in the center of Vorderstoder, directly on the main road.
Please get in touch for more information.